Vilcabamba, Ecuador, has gained international fame as the «Valley of Longevity.» This small town nestled in the Andes Mountains is renowned for its stunning natural beauty, laid-back lifestyle, and a high concentration of centenarians. 

If you’re dreaming of a peaceful retirement surrounded by nature and friendly locals, Vilcabamba might be the perfect destination for you.

Why retire in Vilcabamba?


The town’s reputation as a «Blue Zone» is backed by numerous studies and anecdotes. The unique climate, diet, and lifestyle are believed to contribute to the long and healthy lives of its residents.

Natural beauty: 

Surrounded by lush mountains, cascading waterfalls, and pristine rivers, Vilcabamba offers breathtaking scenery and endless opportunities for outdoor activities.

Affordable living

Compared to many Western countries, the cost of living in Vilcabamba is relatively low, allowing retirees to enjoy a comfortable lifestyle on a modest budget.  

Friendly community

The town has a welcoming expat community, making it easy for newcomers to feel at home.


While healthcare facilities may not be as advanced as in some developed countries, basic medical care is readily available and affordable.

6 Things to consider

  • Altitude: Vilcabamba is located at a high altitude, which may affect some people’s health. Acclimatization is generally easy, but it’s essential to consult with a doctor before making the move.
  • Infrastructure: While the town has most of the basic amenities, infrastructure can be limited in some areas.
  • Language: While many locals speak some English, learning Spanish will significantly enhance your experience and allow you to interact more deeply with the community.
  • Real estate: Research different neighborhoods and property types to find the perfect home for your needs. Consider factors such as proximity to amenities, climate, and views.
  • Visas: Familiarize yourself with Ecuador’s visa requirements for long-term stays.
  • Activities: Explore the many activities available in Vilcabamba, such as hiking, yoga, and volunteering.

Additional Tips:

  • Visit before you buy: Spend some time in Vilcabamba to get a feel for the town and its people.
  • Join local groups: Connect with other expats and locals to learn more about the area.
  • Embrace the local culture: Learn about Ecuadorian customs and traditions to enrich your experience.

Retiring in Vilcabamba offers a unique opportunity to enjoy a healthy, fulfilling, and affordable lifestyle. While it’s essential to do your research and consider the pros and cons, many expats have found happiness and longevity in this charming Andean town.

With The New Vida, making the transition to your new home in the Andes has never been easier. Our comprehensive services include relocation assistance, property management, and tailored health insurance plans, ensuring a seamless and stress-free move. 

Ready to start your Vilcabamba adventure? Contact The New Vida today for a personalized consultation.